Physical Properties

Physical characteristics, applied ProCoat 1010

Hardness 67 +-2° Shore A
Tensile strength 4.8 MPa
Tensile strain @ +20°C 142 %
Tensile strain @ -30°C 62 %
Compression strength 182 MPa
Compression strain 21.5 %
Shock resistance @ -30°C No change. SS 1860 38
Electrical insulation resistance 11 KV/mm
Electrical resistance 8.0 x E11 Ohm
Coefficient of waters absorption 0.6 %
Steam strain 1.0-1.49 g/m2

Good chemical resistance against most common acids and basis
Weathering test No change after 4 year exposure. KI BSK1-91
Salt water spray test No change. W-U003/ASTM B117, JIS K 5664

There are more than 50 other tests made for different applications.

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